Error log: "LZ VHF/UHF Field day"

Station: 9A0V
Locator: JN95PE
Band: 435 MHz
Category: Multi
Call-SRST-SNR-SLOC-S Call-RRST-RNR-RLOC-ROth.errChkFound byLost
9A0V 59 009 JN95PE OE3MDB 59 010 JN88FB (1x)
JN88JB (24x)
CALL no log -386
9A0V 599 019
JN95PE OL3Z 599 016
JN79FX Y all but NR -645
9A0V 599 032 JN95PE OK2KPD 599 108 JO80UB (4x)
JO80OB (log)
NIL Y CALL no log -555
9A0V 599 034
JN95PE OM3PV 599 041 JN88TT (1x)
JN88TI (log)
9A0V 599 039 JN95PE OK2KYZ 599 139 JO80NB NIL
Y -566
9A0V 59 042 JN95PE OK2KJZ (1x)
OK2KYZ (log)
59 184 JO80NB Y all but CALL -566
9A0V 59 061 JN95PE OE5FLM 59 068 JN78NC (1x)
JN68NC (55x)
CALL no log -455
Description of other errors:
NIL = Not in the log

Claimed score: 23924
Correct claimed score: 23964
Sum of lost points: -3596
Corrected score: 20368
Errors: 15.0%

Processed by lx 1.66